Igniting a Magical Ray of Hope for the Aashiyana Trust by Mrs. Annanya and Mr. Subir Roy Chowdhury on a Magical night with A. Sarkar
In a world that is turning materialistic and making our lives filtered for a social media image, it is rare when someone thinks out of the box and lends their hand for help. In an age when we are accustomed to celebrations that call for parties and often lavish splurging to mark personal milestones, it is rare to witness someone like Mrs. Annanya Roy Chowdhury & Subir Roy Chowdhury, who had a rather unique way of celebrating their marriage anniversary. This power couple , who would be completing their 30th marriage anniversary in the coming year, wanted to change the prevalent norms and be the torch-bearers of change. And what better way than to include someone else’s happiness as your own, especially in the lives of orphaned kids, who have lived marginalised lives over the years. On 21st May, 2022, on the occassion of their wedding anniversary, both Mr and Mrs Roy Chowdhury had organised a programme at Rabindra Okkakura Bhavan, Salt Lake DD Block, especially for the orphan kids of Aashiyana Trust, to provide them with a platform to showcase their talents as well as to spread joy among them. Mrs. Annanya Roy Chowdhury, who happens to be the…
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