Department:Magic World Admin

India is the Land of Magic……As time goes, Indian magicians are trying to revive their ancient art. In past, ancient street magicians from “Maharaja bhoj” to “Bhanumoti” to “Ganapati” then P.C. Sorcar, the chain gradually goes on on and on……Indian magic changes into different forms but still survives. The main reasons which help it to survive are the proper knowledge in magic, presentation, love and passion. Indian magicians are doing this art by heart and not only for income. But it is very sorry to say that present condition of Indian magic is not so pleasant. Indian magic goes very slow. New types of presentation, set-up and items are very rare. It is like old wine in old bottle. The number of full professional magician is very rare and their monthly income from magic is poor.

Specifically there are five problems for Poor condition of Indian magicians

1. Innovation of magic items, props, presentation and proper set-up for magic is very insignificant.

2. Poor monetary condition of Indian magicians, less interest to invest in publicity, improper planning and lack of professional knowledge.

3. No media back up and disinterest of electronic and print media.

4. Lack of knowledge in presentation, hard work and tenacity.

5. Dis-unity among the magicians

Illustration of problems

1. New inventions of Indian magicians are very less. Maximum products are of old type. The secret part is not so modern according to the present age. Now-a-days maximum Indian magicians are very lazy and disinterested to create new items. They always try to use readymade products. Innovative power of Indian magicians now-a-days is very less. Proper knowledge about presentation of products, props and set-up for magic is very less. Presentation level is not up to date and not impressive. The knowledge of stage set-up is also not very impressive. A long way we are travelling, but our speed level for innovation is very slow. Concept of dramatic presentation, choreography, fancy stage set up is very less in Indian magic shows. Some Indian magicians are trying, but their presentations are not up to the mark and weak like a child’s play. Proper planned shows and set ups are very rare.

2. Poor financial, educational and family conditions of Indian magicians are also stumbling block in the way of success. Income level of magicians is very low. Rate of shows in India are not sufficient to make a magician fully professional in this field, and the number of magic shows is very less. It is not a compulsory art in all occasions. Indian magicians are largely responsible for this poor condition of show market. Maximum Indian magicians are less interested in publicity of them and this art. Very poor knowledge in publicity field and magicians are disinterested to spend some little money in publicity. They only try to earn and gain but not to invest in publicity for future returns. Some are trying to invest, but improper planning and lack of continuity make their plan fail. Constant hammering in publicity field is very rare. For that reason the return is also poor. Professional knowledge and according to proper effort are very rare.

3. Indian media is also very much guilty in this case. They have no interest in this subject. The subject name is known to them but the definition is unrecognized. The media persons have scant interest and knowledge about it. Actually renowned magicians are very less and their faces are very much unrecognized by the media. Numbers of popular and public known magicians are very less. There is no icon in Indian magic now who can represent and symbolize Indian magic. Maximum magicians are performing their shows in their own state only and thus failed to rouse universal appeal to the countrymen. Total country wise planned travel for shows by an artist is very rare. So, media is not interested. They only know their business for news selling. Indian magicians should try to make their work so hard that it becomes news to all public. That thing is missing. We have to catch the attentions of both electronic and print media. Magic programmers, reality shows in T.V channels, coverage of magic related articles in different news papers and coverage of magician’s activities must in huge numbers to make this art famous and compulsory.

4. The laziness of Indian magicians and lack of practice are big problems for proper growth of this art. Magicians must be hard workers to achieve success. Proper and systematic practice makes an artist successful. Presentation knowledge of magicians should be more perfect and marketing ideas more viable. At first we have to fix our target according to our present capacity and limit. Then go for it with full off hard work and dedication.

5. Indian magicians are not united. There is no basic unity among them. There are some magic circles in India. But common unity among their members is starkly missing. For this reason there are no specific rates of magician for a specific type of show. Maximum magicians are jealous to one another. Magicians are only pretend to be good friend but indeed they are not that. For this reason there is no specific rate for a particular magic product. Due to lack of unity and brotherhood Indian magicians cannot claim any right to the Government for development of magic.

Some solutions for success

1. Indian magicians should be well literate in magic. They have to know this art from top to bottom. Lot of practice and culture is needed. Own creation should be needed. Our knowledge of magic should be up to date. The knowledge in light, sound, choreography, team management is very much needed. We have to be good audience of great magic shows and study their good manners before make himself a performer.

2. We must try to publicity this art. It will help us a lot in professional field. Proper planning for publicity and investment will give us a huge return in future. The more we invest the more we get benefit. Maximum renowned magicians of world are famous for their good knowledge in publicity field. To get success in a ticket show the brand name is very much essential. To earn a brand name planned publicity is necessary. We have to beat our own drums to catch the media. Then electronic, print and other media will take interest. Magic should be a trend and a compulsory element of all the occasions.

3. Indian magicians must be more and more united to develop this art. We have to vanish our ego and selfishness. Specific rates of shows and magic props must be decided right now. We have to help other magicians by all means and give them good suggestions. Because if one fails to perform one item to the audience, it is to be considered as a failure of the art itself. We should not vie with one another badly for shows and business. Do not forget that you are an artist, your behavior should be gentle and you have to maintain artistic spirit.

4. Public involvement and awareness of this art is very much necessary by the magicians right now. We have to spread out this art from door to door. Make magic a common hobby to all. If that is ensured then automatically number of reality shows, TV programmers and media back up will increase. Make this art like an addiction to all over the country.

5. Number of magic teaching societies or schools should be more. This teaching institution must be well organized with proper systematic methods and curriculum guided by experienced teachers. The institutions also have to maintain the reasonable rates of magic props. Black marketing in magic products must be prohibited right now. As well as these teaching institutions should try to make this art more popular to common people and catch the interested person as their student. There should be a proper syllabus on the art of magic to learn it easily by the common people.

At last, we all have to wish for the best. We have to try very hard to fight all the problems right now. We should not confine the dream in our own minds and try to convert it in practical field. Hope all the readers who read this article try to give effort from now. Then only our dreams for magic will come true and we shall overcome some day. All the best to all magician friends. This is the time for unity and united struggle. “BHAROTIYO JADUR JOY HOK”.


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